Cork Learning City News - October 2022
Irish Network of Learning Cities – Shared Island Funding Meeting
Cork Learning City has need awarded ‘Shared Island funding for the progression of a ‘Learning Island ‘ project in conjunction with the other UNESCO Learning Cities on the Island of Ireland – Derry City and Strabane Region (Co-lead partners) Belfast, Dublin & Limerick Learning Cities . A planning meeting of the partners took place in Dublin to progress plans for this ambitious project which will feature a series of exchanges across the Island, exploring the potential for ‘All Ireland’ collaboration across a variety of areas based on the themes identified in the ‘Cork Call to Action – the outcome document of the UNESCO Global Conference on Lifelong Learning which was hosted in Cork during 2017 ; committing to developing Learning Cities which are
1. Green and Healthy
2. Equitable and Inclusive and
3. Supporting Decent Work and Entrepreneurship.
The first ‘Learning Island’ exchange is due to take place in Cork City from Nov 29th – Dec 1st when the city will host steering group members and partner delegates from
Belfast, Dublin, Limerick and Derry Strabane Region.
Cork Access Network Steering group meeting.
An ‘in person’ meeting was held onsite in Janssen Pharmaceutical, Little Island with partners from MTU, UCC, ETB, J&J, One Movement, Cork Chamber and discussed plans for CAN Cork Access Network for the coming year.
Nominations closed for the ‘Cork Celebrates Lifelong Learning Awards 2022’
There was a total of 58 excellent nominations across 11 categories including;
• Early Years Award
• Primary Level Award
• Secondary School Award
• Youth & Community Learning
• Further Education Award
• Higher Education Award
• Adult Education: Community Education Award
• Adult Education: Workplace Learning Award
• Active Retired Award
• Exceptional Endeavour Award
• Inspirational Lifelong Learner
The second year of these awards run by Cork Learning City, this is a great opportunity for the people of Cork to nominate individuals and projects that have inspired us by their Lifelong Learning actions and are a celebration of how lifelong learning enables people to change their lives. The awards ceremony will be held at 5pm on November 29th in Millennium Hall, Cork City Council.

Cork Learning Neighbourhoods Steering meeting took place
Neighbourhood updates;
- Knocknaheeny Learning Neighbourhood:
Diploma in DYCW is going well, attendance is high, lecturers are providing additional supports on Fridays. Lots of people signing up for autumn courses in the area, people are very enthusiastic; Foroige have provided a hall for classes. A fuzion cooking course is being facilitated by a graduate of the Mental Health Course in the area.
- South Parish Learning Neighbourhood:
Sustainability walk took place throughout South Parish during learning city day led by Maria Young and featured in the Cork Examiner

Douglas St. Autumn Festival took place and South Parish Learning Neighbourhood had a stand and took note of expressions of interest for Neighbourhood University; an initiative that will bring lecturers from UCC and MTU into the community to host a series of lectures on subjects selected by and of interest to locals.
- Mayfield Learning Neighbourhood:
One member of the group has completed her SOAR training as a community based mentor for the area, she is an active member of the group and available as a community mentor for the area. New members are being added to the Mayfield group and the learning Neighbourhood members are in the process of contacting old contacts to reinvigorate the group. Plans are now underway to host this an Expo event in Mayfield in 2023 highlighting all the Learning opportunities in the area.
- Togher Learning Neighbourhood:
A ‘Places of Learning’ directory is being planned for the area. Neighbourhood University is being discussed, may focus on Colaiste Stiofan Naofa for lecturers. Autobiography of an Educator, Viv, the school link officer is interested to run this in the primary schools in January. Planning in place for a ‘Faces of Learning’ collaborative event which would include all Corks Learning neighbourhoods.
- Ballyphehane Learning Neighbourhood:
Nominated the sustainability event which took place in April for the Cork Celebrates Lifelong Learning awards.
Community Education Providers gathered in Nano Nagle Place
There was information sharing and discussions from ‘Relationships in Practice, Nano Nagle Place, The Glucksman and from a learner from Theatre Making and Citizenship Programme. This was a great opportunity to bring our attention to the strengths of community education learning spaces to foster purposeful action through conversations of creativity, connection, and hope.
- First Cork Learning City Award for Cork Migrant Centre - Youth Initiative Against Racism
- Cork Learning Cities Day 2020
- Save the Dates !
- Registration now open for 'Learning for Wellbeing 2020'
- Day 1 : UNESCO UIL Webinar Learning for Health and Well-being
- Day 2 : UNESCO UIL Webinar Learning for Health and Well-being
- South Parish Sustainable Walk & Talk
- Irish Learning Cities Day - 29th September 2022
- Cork Learning City News - October 2022
- Corks Lifelong Learning Festival - March 2023
- CE report March 2024
- CE report April 2024
- Learning City Seminar 2024.
- Cork Education Providers Meeting